Help Donate to Campaign Zero

Friday, June 5th, Bandcamp will once again be waiving its revenue share. That means that 100% of any purchase made through Bandcamp goes to the band!

I want to donate something to a worthy organization. Due to the current climate, there are a few out there that are working towards equality and solutions to police brutality. I have landed on Campaign Zero.

Campaign Zero is working towards a world “where the police don’t kill people, by limiting police interventions, improving community interactions, and ensuring accountability.”

You can head over to Campaign Zero and make your own donation by clicking >here< or you can purchase Raygun Girls music through Bandcamp and we will donate 50% to Campaign Zero.

So, while you’re over at Bandcamp, remember that if you purchase the new album, Orphan, through Bandcamp you get a bonus song not available anywhere!

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